Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Brooklyn Bridge An Living example for sheer Determination

Engeneers John Roebling and his son Washington Roebling constructed the bridge. It was the brain child of John Roebling. But everyone discouraged. With ceaseless determination and selfconfidence he stepped in to construct the bridge. In the midway he died in an accident. As he discussed every nook and corner with his son he was able to complete it inspite of his reduced mobility. I did not explain much about the bridge as you can see and know in the image attached.

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மிஸ்டர் ஒயிட் - சிறுகதை

மற்றுமொரு சிறுகதை முயற்சி. பொறுப்பு துறப்பு: கதையில் வரும் சம்பவங்கள் அனைத்தும் "கற்பனை" தான்!! மிஸ்டர்ஒய்ட் “என்னசார்,முடி கம...