Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Samacheer Kalvi StaleMate comes to a halt.

Today the final verdict in "samacheer Kalvi" is given in favour of new book.
Parents are heaved a sigh of relief at last.
    It is unnecessary steps taken by the new government. We can't make sky to earth
changes when come to power. The earlier govt. also elected by the govt. More over "samacheer Kalvi"
is implemented after arriving a resolution in the assembly. If we indulge in making changes in the
earlier govt.'s decision, we can't do anything. The following regular things were not followed in
the govt. schools only because of the "samacheer Kalvi" chaos.
1. Teacher's couselling for Transfer is not conducted so for.
2. Promotion to the eligible teachers is not given.
3. List of newly upgraded schools were not announced.
4. Exam related steps were not taken(SSLC).
5. CRC Training programs were not conducted.
6. I Mid Term exam was not conducted to the classes upto 10th.(It Must have been conducted
   for the bridge course syllabus at least)

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மிஸ்டர் ஒயிட் - சிறுகதை

மற்றுமொரு சிறுகதை முயற்சி. பொறுப்பு துறப்பு: கதையில் வரும் சம்பவங்கள் அனைத்தும் "கற்பனை" தான்!! மிஸ்டர்ஒய்ட் “என்னசார்,முடி கம...