Friday, March 12, 2010

Is IPL Necessary?

The worst ever format of cricket is IPL T20. It is our national shame that we cannot nurture our national game properly but encourage the laziest game cricket. Why don't we use the surplus revenue of cricket to develop other games. We are having nearly 50 crores of young population but could not fetch as many medals in the Olympics. Even anybody comes with bronze medal we give them a heroes welcome. Cannot we make the Olympic winning players?  It is my opinion that we should use the revenue acquired from cricket to other ill fated games.

1 comment:

  1. Your opinion is similar to the quotes of local terrorists: "Fetch the wealth from the rich without mercy and have it as you pretend to be the poor".

    Cricket is a game. Similarly Hockey. So, don't just blame Cricket. As Hockey is our national game, I agree that we've to make it grow well. But, for that, no need to depend on other game's income.

    Its our government's duty to do the necessary steps and funding to strengthen Hockey. Hockey players were on a strike before the inaugural of world cup due to pending salary issues. None of the Nation treats its National game too cheap.


மிஸ்டர் ஒயிட் - சிறுகதை

மற்றுமொரு சிறுகதை முயற்சி. பொறுப்பு துறப்பு: கதையில் வரும் சம்பவங்கள் அனைத்தும் "கற்பனை" தான்!! மிஸ்டர்ஒய்ட் “என்னசார்,முடி கம...