Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Health care Bill enables some of the downtrodden population of USA to get health insurance facility within their reach. Some of the tricks of the insurance companies like ‘conditions apply’ are found and appropriately sorted out.
          It is common in India that people won’t insure their health. Whenever health problem arises they go to hospital and fix it. If huge sum of money needed patient’s friends and relatives come forward with helping hand. But in USA it is too costly to afford for poor people to spend on their health. They are very much in need of health insurances to save their very life from health hazards.
          Nowadays some state governments like Tamil Nadu concerns about their people’s health. The government itself pays the health insurance premium for the people so they can pursue life saving costly treatments in famous hospitals. During Emergency the government enables the patients to reach the hospitals as soon as possible at free of cost thanks to 108 Emergency Ambulance.
Here I have small doubt:
                                      Government says govt. hospitals have all the sophisticated machineries and well educated world class doctors at free of cost. Then where is the need for the people to go to private hospitals to save their lives. Is government paving a channel for transferring government’s money to private hospitals and insurance companies?

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