Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Celebrate the anniversaries in style

Today is the date of joining in the job for our colleague Mr. S.Sundaravarathan. Yesterday everyone was teasing him to give treat in grand manner.  He agreed to give a treat. But later we came to know that every year he celebrates the anniversary by giving new uniform sets to two very poor students. We were dumbfounded.
          “A burning Candle can light another one nor grow less” – J.R.Lowell
As per the above words few of our staff decided to follow his style.

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மிஸ்டர் ஒயிட் - சிறுகதை

மற்றுமொரு சிறுகதை முயற்சி. பொறுப்பு துறப்பு: கதையில் வரும் சம்பவங்கள் அனைத்தும் "கற்பனை" தான்!! மிஸ்டர்ஒய்ட் “என்னசார்,முடி கம...